Kwik Staff’s Monthly Digest
Geared to Serve you better
May 2020by Joshua Enz on April 16, 2020
They say that April showers bring May flowers, this old adage has proven to be true time and time again. We are always grateful for the flowers, but we need to remember to be even more thankful for the rain that comes before the blooms. Without the storms and trials that often come with them, we are not able to grow and move forward. In this time we need to be thankful for the “storms” that are around us, and even more expectant of the great growth that will come from it. As we move through this together remember that the flowers are coming.
Employee of the Month
For the Month of April is Romerele Hailey. Romerele has only been working for us since February of this year, but his dedication and work ethic set him apart. Thank you for all your hard work and positive attitude.
How are you changing this year?
This question keeps coming up in every meeting and newsletter that I have taken part in thus far. This year has been completely nontraditional in every way possible. From new standards and policies, to how we purchase our goods and services, it has even changed how we communicate and greet one another. Nothing is the same as before, or even what most would have considered normal a year ago. However, those that are willing to grow and change are coming out better and stronger than before. Through it all we are continuing to provide our clients with the best possible services. Like everyone, we will continue to grow and adjust as this new normal sets in. We’re here to help you through this. Let us know how we can help you grow this year.
Seasonal Labor
The summer season is fast approaching, and we are thankful for it. We are able to provide laborers for all your landscaping and lawn care needs. No matter what the season we have the right staff for the job. Feel free to call us for a free quote and for more information on how we can help.
The 2nd Quarter is here.
As we move through the second month of the quarter we are often able to gauge what the first half of the year is going to bring. This year has been different, to say the least. Luckly, no one can see the future, and that is often a good thing; at least most of the time. We may not be able to see the future, but we can prepare for it. This year has caused all of us to grow and adapt, more so than we wanted to in some ways. It is because of these mandated changes that we are able to come out stronger and better as providers of all manner of goods or services. No matter what this year throws our way, we will adapt and overcome to grow into the best we can together. Remember even though nothing is ever the same after a storm, without them nothing would grow into what it was meant to be. Change will always happen whether we want it to or not, it is our choice to adapt and face the next challenge head on.
Word of the Month
Panacea -1. An answer or solution for all the problems or difficulties.
We are hopeful that out of all of this a panacea will come for these current times. Through it all we are there to help with any issues that may arise as we face all of this together. Remember through everything that happens we can grow stronger, and for every problem there is always a solution.
Kwik Staff LLC.
2600 SW 17th Street
Topeka KS, 66604